
Sentiment analysis is a vital area of current research. The area of sentiment analysis is extensively used for observing text data and identifying the sentiment element. Every day, e- commerce sites produce a massive amount of text information from customer's comments, reviews, tweets, and feedbacks. One of the most recent technological advances in web development is the emergence of social networking websites. It aids in communication and knowledge gathering. Aspect - based evaluation of this information can help businesses to gain a greater understanding of their consumers' expectations and then shape their plans accordingly. It is difficult to convey the exact sentiment of a review. In this study, we demonstrated an approach that focuses on sentimental aspects of the item's characteristics. Consumer reviews on Amazon and IMDB have been presented and evaluated. We obtained the dataset from the UCI repository, where each analysis's opinion rates are first observed. To get meaningful information from datasets, and to eliminate noise, the pre-processing operations are performed by the system such as tokenization, punctuation, whitespace, special character, and stop-word removal. For the purpose of accurately representing the preprocessed data, feature selection methods such as word frequency-inverse document frequency are utilized (TF–IDF). The customer reviews from three datasets Amazon, Yelp, and IMDB is merged and classification is performed using classifiers such as Naïve Bayes, Random Forest, K-Nearest Neighbor (KNN), and Support Vector Machine (SVM). In last, we provide some insight into the future text classification work.

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