
Abstract Aphasic productions of the tense vowel /i:/ and its lax counterpart /1/ in the German minimal pair ‘bieten’–‘bitten’ were investigated in a perceptual experiment. One Broca's and one Wernicke's aphasic, together with a normal and dysarthric control, served as speakers. From their productions of the two words in question, the stimuli for a vowel identification task were prepared. Normal listeners were asked to identify the two vowel categories in three different listening conditions: (a) full words; (b) only the syllables /bi:/ and /bI/ (full vowel length); and (c) the initial plosive plus a vowel portion of constant length. The listeners' responses were related to vowel duration and to vowel quality in terms of F2-F1 values. The results revealed that the observed off-target productions of neither of the two aphasics could be adequately characterized by a phonemic paraphasia model, even in stimuli which received highly consistent misidentifications. The dysarthric patient, despite being considerab...

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