
This study investigated advantages and drawbacks of two sieve-tube sap sampling methods for comparison of phloem proteins in powdery mildew-infested vs. non-infested Hordeum vulgare plants. In one approach, sieve tube sap was collected by stylectomy. Aphid stylets were cut and immediately covered with silicon oil to prevent any contamination or modification of exudates. In this way, a maximum of 1muL pure phloem sap could be obtained per hour. Interestingly, after pathogen infection exudation from microcauterized stylets was reduced to less than 40% of control plants, suggesting that powdery mildew induced sieve tube-occlusion mechanisms. In contrast to the laborious stylectomy, facilitated exudation using EDTA to prevent calcium-mediated callose formation is quick and easy with a large volume yield. After two-dimensional (2D) electrophoresis, a digital overlay of the protein sets extracted from EDTA solutions and stylet exudates showed that some major spots were the same with both sampling techniques. However, EDTA exudates also contained large amounts of contaminative proteins of unknown origin. A combinatory approach may be most favourable for studies in which the protein composition of phloem sap is compared between control and pathogen-infected plants. Facilitated exudation may be applied for subtractive identification of differentially expressed proteins by 2D/mass spectrometry, which requires large amounts of protein. A reference gel loaded with pure phloem sap from stylectomy may be useful for confirmation of phloem origin of candidate spots by digital overlay. The method provides a novel opportunity to study differential expression of phloem proteins in monocotyledonous plant species.

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