
Traumatic spinal cord injury (SCI) is a devastating condition of CNS which leads to loss of sensory as well as motor functions. Secondary damage after SCI initiates cascade of events that creates an inhibitory milieu for axonal growth and repair. Combinatorial therapies are the hope to attenuate secondary injury progression and make the microenvironment growth and repair friendly for the neurons. We fabricated gelatin- genipin hydrogel system which was impregnated with IONPs and injected at the lesion site in a clinically relevant contusion rat model of SCI. 24 h later, the rats were exposed to magnetic fields (17.96 μT, 50 Hz uniform EMF) for 2 h/day for 5 weeks. A significant (P < 0.001) improvement in Basso, Beattie and Bresnahan (BBB) locomotor score, amplitude and threshold of spinally mediated reflexes and motor and somatosensory evoked potentials (MEP & SSEP) was observed following IONPs implantation and EMF exposure. Moreover, retrograde tracing showed a higher level of neuronal connectivity and survival after the intervention. There was also a reduction in activated microglia and lesion volume which attenuate secondary damage as evident by reduction in the scaring following intervention for 5 weeks. Moreover, we observed increase in the neuronal growth cone marker, GAP-43, growth promoting neurotrophins (GDNF, BDNF & NT-3) and reduction in the inhibitory molecule (Nogo-A) after this combinatorial therapy. We obsrvered that a significant improvement in behavioral, electrophysiological and morphological parameters was due to an alteration in neurotrophin levels, reduction in activated microglia and increase in GAP-43 expression after the combinatorial therapy. We propose that implantation of IONPs embedded gelatin-genipin hydrogel system along with MF exposure modulated the microenvironment, making it conducive for neural repair and regeneration.

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