
We develop the intersection theory at relative chain-cochain level, and apply it along with the use of Seifert disks for an oriented link to give a combinatorial algorithm to compute Massey's higher order linking numbers. It is subtle to compute higher-order linking numbers, and it has been a folklore to use the intersection theory in the process, which was first suggested by W. Massey. Massey introduced the higher-order linking as an application of his higher-order cohomology operations defined in terms of suitable cochains, and he calculated the third-order linking numbers for some 3-component links by shifting from cohomology and cup product to homology and intersection theory via duality theorems for manifolds. Later several works along this direction gave methods in various forms for computing the higher-order linking numbers, and others computed Milnor's invariants by using their well-known connection to Massey invariants; but a formal derivation of the general formulae in intersection theory which are used for the computation has not yet been given, and a concrete algorithm for the computation is hence lacking. In this paper we complete Massey's original approach by developing systematically the intersection theory at the relative chain-cochain level in the simplicial category, and use it to derive recursive combinatorial formulae for computing all higher-order linking numbers.

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