
Project Extension for Community Healthcare Outcomes (ECHO) Nevada applied the ECHO virtual hub-and-spoke telementoring model over nine 6-week cohorts (between November 2019 and November 2021) supporting community health workers (CHWs) who advise clients with diabetes or pre-diabetes. This study describes the program implementation, including evaluation data collection efforts. Didactic topics included 'Intro to Healthy Eating and Easy Wins' to 'Grocery Shopping, Cooking Tips, Reading Labels, Meal Plans' and 'Reducing Bias and Being a Good Role Model'. Spoke participants signed up to review cases. Seventy-three of the enrolled participants (n = 100) attended three or more of the six sessions. Spoke participants completed 42 case presentations. The average self-efficacy increased from 2.7 [standard deviation (SD): 1.1] before completing the program to 4.1 (SD: 0.8) after completing the program. Average knowledge scores increased from 71 (SD: 16) before completing the program to 83 (SD: 14) after completing the program. Five group interviews drew actionable feedback that was incorporated into the program. Key elements of the ECHO model were successfully incorporated to support educational goals of a cohort of CHWs in nutritional coaching. Our program evaluation data tracking system shows non-significant but encouraging results regarding self-efficacy improvement and knowledge retention.

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