
The classical 1st attention spared in autism, the quantum 2nd attention hurt in it, and the classical-quantum blend (or 3rd attention) hurt in madness are echoed by the legend of El Dorado—the Colombian Muisca coated with gold dust who released it after sailing to and diving into the center of Lake Guatavita[1]. El Dorado suggests that nature re-creates finiteness (1st) through infinity (2nd) in nothingness (3rd). That vision makes the “logos heuristics.” El Dorado, logos, Leonardo da Vinci’s mural “Fight for the Standard,” Alfred Wegener’s 1915 drift of continents, and plate tectonics tell us that Sir Walter Raleigh never wrote Shakespeare’s plays (e.g., “The Merchant of Venice”). They also tell us that climatic avalanches can be barred by a Third Rome assembly, built at the very least by the USA, Ukraine, and Russia (Hitler’s nemeses). The Third-Rome should follow a Cincinnatus[2] as wily as was in the 9th century the Viking St. Olga, her grandson St. Vladimir/Volodymyr, her Norse father-in-law Riúrik, or his great-grandson Yaroslav the Wise.[1] The nothingness at the center of a circle/cross makes a shut door in the 2nd and an open door into the 3rd attention.[2] Lucius Quinctius Cincinnatus was a retired and mythical short-term dictator in the early Roman Republic.

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