
Mobile Ad hoc Network (MANET) is a group of networked mobile devices working in a cooperative manner. Due to usage, these devices quickly run out of battery power in critical situations and consequently fail in packet transmission. Power-Efficient Gathering in Sensor Information Systems (PEGASIS) and Dynamic State algorithm are two research works with unique energy efficiency concepts that, if harmonized and refined, will deliver a better optimized energy-efficient routing protocol for MANETs. This study, therefore, proposes PEGADyn – a hybrid version of PEGASIS and Dynamic State algorithm for a new energy-efficient routing protocol in ad hoc networks. PEGADyn creates a virtual grid classification of nodes based on current location, followed by a cluster formation of nodes in each virtual grid created. In each cluster and virtual grid formed, cluster heads (CHs) and designated cluster heads (dCH) are selected based on their energy levels. CHs and dCHs are used for communication between clusters and virtual grids. The use of CHs and dCHs limits communication overheads among nodes, reducing the energy expended and increasing the network lifetime. A simulation comparison of PEGADyn with PEGASIS and Dynamic State shows PEGADyn to be better in extending network lifetime and maintaining network throughput.

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