
Reinforcement learning (RL) has demonstrated effectiveness in improving model performance and robustness for automatic speech recognition (ASR) tasks. Researchers have employed RL-based training strategies to enhance performance beyond conventional supervised or semi-supervised learning. However, existing approaches treat RL as a supplementary tool, leaving the untapped potential of RL training largely unexplored. In this paper, we formulate a novel pure RL setting where an ASR model is trained exclusively through RL via human feedback metrics, e.g., word error rate (WER) or binary reward. This approach promises to significantly simplify the annotation process if we could replace the conventional onerous annotation with a single numeric value in a human–computer interaction (HCI) way. Our experiments demonstrate the feasibility of this new setting and also identify two main inherent issues in conventional RL-based ASR training that may lead to performance degradation: (1) the mismatch issue between the action and reward has been commonly overlooked in Connectionist Temporal Classification (CTC) based models, which is attributed to the inherent CTC alignment mapping issue; (2) the classic exploration–exploitation trade-off still exists in the sampling stage of RL-based ASR, and finding the balance between them becomes a challenge. To address these issues, we first propose a new RL-based approach named CTC-aligned Policy Gradient (CTC-PG), which provides a unified formulation for different sampling strategies and alleviates the mismatch issue of action and reward in CTC-based models. Moreover, we propose Focal Sampling to balance the trade-off between exploration and exploitation with a flexible temperature parameter. Experiment results on LibriSpeech dataset showcase the effectiveness and robustness of our methods by harnessing the full potential of RL in training ASR models.

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