
Hypopigmentary and depigmentary lesions are very commonly encountered group of dermatosis in pediatric age group.: To evaluate the epidemiology and clinical characteristics of various hypopigmented and depigmented lesions in patient of paediatric age group. : A total number of 124 children between age group 0-18 years who presented to dermatology OPD with hypopigmented and depigmented lesions were assessed and evaluated.: In this study, most common causes of hypopigmented disorders among the children are Pityriasis Alba (25.7%) followed by Pityriasis versicolor(21.96), Polymorphous light eruption & vitiligo. Pigmentary disorders are very commonly encountered group of dermatoses in paediatric age group. Among pigmentary disorders, hypopigmented lesions are more common and are frequent cause of consultation. In this study most common causes of hypopigmented disorders among the children are Pityriasis Alba followed by Pityriasis versicolor, Polymorphous light eruption & vitiligo.

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