
In daily clinical practice, low backache alone or along with radiating pain in the lower limb is a common problem in society. This is due to disc herniation at L4-L5 or L5-S1 associated with irritation of a spinal nerve root. In ayurveda, on the basis of signs and symptoms, sciatica can be compared with Vaat-Kaphaj Gridhrasi. The word "Gridhrasi" refers to the gait exhibited by the patient due to extreme pain. This is similar to the gait of a Gridha (vulture). The gait is slightly tilted to the affected side, with the affected leg flexed and the other leg extended, described as similar to that of a vulture. According to Acharya Charaka, Gridhrasi is mentioned in eighty types of Vataja Nanatmaja Vyadhi. Ruka (pain), Toda (pricking feeling), Muhuspandana (tingling sensation), and Stambha (stiffness) are the primary manifestations of Vataja Gridhrasi, as a further sign of Gridhrasi. Acharya Sushruta also cited Sakthishepana Nigrahanti (limited movement of the lower limb). Tandra (drowsiness), Gaurav (heaviness), and Aruchi (anorexia) may also be present in Vata-Kaphaj Gridhrasi. Panchakarma treatment such as Bloodletting by cupping therapy and Erandamooladi Niruha Basti (herbal medicated enema) and Anuvasan Basti of Kshirabala Tail was used, as a Kaal Basti. These ayurvedic procedures are the easiest way to control the signs and symptoms of the patient. This article discusses the uses, preparation of method and probable mode of action of Raktamokshana and Erandmooladi Niruha Basti.

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