
Bowel preparation before surgery refers to the removal of bowel contents via mechanical cleansing with oral or rectal measures. The proposed benefits are reduced rate of surgical site infections and easier manipulation of the bowel during surgery. An ideal bowel-cleansing agent should be well tolerated by subjects, easily administered, inexpensive and produce adequate clearance. The most extensively used enema agent is soap but due to its chemical constituents it is known to cause various side effects like nausea, gastric irritation, pain, etc. In Ayurveda, Acharya Sushrutha suggests patients are to be Nivrutta Vega i.e., free from natural urges prior to the surgery. Also, the drug Arishtaka seems to have the Rechaka, natural cleansing, non-allergic and surfactant properties. Considering these qualities, a preliminary attempt was made to study the effect of Arishtaka in bowel preparation. In the current study it has shown effective results and adequate quality of bowel preparation.

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