
Sthaulya / Atisthaulya in Ayurveda comes under the heading of Medoroga which results due to dysfunc-tion of Meda Dhatvagni (factor responsible for nourishment / metabolism of Meda dhatu) and in modern parlance it is equated with Obesity due to its close similarities. It is the main cause for so many complica-tions like Hypertension, Diabetes mellitus, Osteoarthritis, Infertility, Impotency etc. as well as psychologi-cal disturbances like anxiety, depression etc. Thus, the mortality and morbidity rate were high in obese per-sons compared to others. This shows the importance of the need for further researches of effective measures in the management of Sthaulya. Hence in the present study a clinical trial was carried out with Trikatu Churna in the management of Sthaulya (obesity) for 30 days. 30 patients were selected with diag-nosis of Sthaulya out of which 24 completed the treatment. The study concluded with the positive results of Trikatu churna in reducing the signs and symptoms of Sthaulya.

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