
Women are treasured by the richness of continuing the human race . Pregnancy is a state in which all the physiological functions are hyper stimulated in order to meet the demands of the growing fetus. Anaemia during pregnancy is a very common condition which involves the fall in the hemoglobin concentration . The prevalence of Anaemia in low - income pregnant women in the 1 st , 2 nd and 3 rd trimesters is 9 %, 14 % and 37 %, respectively. Iron deficien cy Anaemia results in decreased work product ivity , increased child mortality , increased maternal mortality, slowed child development, and mild - to - moderate Anaemia may increase susceptibility to infectious disease. The features of Iron Deficiency Anaemia (I DA) share s lot similarities with lakshana of Panduroga. In this open labeled clinical trial, 50 pregnant women fulfilling the diagnostic and inclusion criteria of Panduroga / Iron Deficiency Anaemia (IDA) were administered with Dhatri Lauha with a dose of 500 mg thrice a day orally for 4 weeks . In the present study Dhatri Lauha showed a highly significant improvement in terms of subjective par ameters like Panduta, Hriddrava, Daurbalya , Shrama and Bhrama as well as in objective parameters like Hb %, RBC, PCV , MCV, MCH, MCHC (< 0.001). This study has revealed that Dhatri Lauha provided statistically significant improvement in the cardinal features of Garbhinipandu as well as it has showed good effect on jatharagni and nourishment of pregnant woman and foetus w ithout any side effects , due to the proper ties of the ingredients of trial drug such as deepana, pachana, balya, rasayana and rudhirak rit.

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