
According to Ayurveda, Moothrashmari is a combined terminology which constitutes Moothra + Ashmari. Ashmari comprises of two words, i.e. Ashma and Ari, where Ari refers to the pain as given by an enemy, pain due to Moothrashmari is known as worse than that of labour pain. This disease is dreadful and hence considered one of the Mahagada by Sushruta, may be owing to its potentiality to disturb the anatomy and physiology of urinary system. Acc to modern the word renal calculus is derived from Latin language, according to which Renes means kidneys and calculi, means pebble or stone. It is a solid concretion or crystal aggregation formed in the kidneys from dietary minerals in the urine. Urinary stones are typically classified by their location in the kidney (nephrolithiasis), ureter (ureterolithiasis) or urinary bladder (systolithiasis) or by their chemical composition (calcium containing, uric acid, struvite or other compound). It is estimated that at least 10% of the industrial population of the world is affected by urinary tract stone. Thus the disease is a wide spread as it is old, particularly in countries with dry and hot climate. In India, approximately 5-7 million patients suffer from stone disease and at least 1/1000 of Indian population needs hospitalization due to this disease. Kshara is having Lekhana, Bhedana, Pachana, Shodhana and Tridoshaghna properties. Thus study “Effect of Mulakakshara in the management of the Moothrashmari (renal calculi)” is undertaken.

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