
In the present study bacteriologically confirmed and/or clinico-radiologically diagnosed new or recurrent cases of pulmonary and extrapulmonary tuberculosis attending the OPD and IPD of Dept of Respiratory Medicine of I.P.G.M.E &R /S.S.K.M hospital Kolkata from December 2017 to May 2019 were studied for socioeconomic status using Modified B.G.Prasad scale 2017 and Nutritional status using their Body Mass Index. The various haematological and biochemical parameters were determined and correlation of these parameters with body mass index and Socioeconomic class were evaluated. 79.25 % patients of Pulmonary tuberculosis and 27.08% patients of Extrapulmonary Tuberculosis had anaemia, showing increasing prevalence of anaemia in pulmonary than extrapulmonary tuberculosis. In both pulmonary and extrapulmonary tuberculosis having anaemia, normocytic normochromic type is more common than microcytic hypochromic type. 49.05% cases of pulmonary tuberculosis and 41.67 % cases of extrapulnary tuberculosis had Hyponatremia while 28.3% cases of pulmonary tuberculosis and 25% cases of extrapulmonary Tuberculosis had Hypokalaemia, though they showed no statistically significant correlation.

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