
Introduction: Jaundice can be classified into prehepatic, hepatic or post hepatic. Out of these, the posthepatic jaundice caused by obstruction to the outflow of bile, also known as obstructive or surgical jaundiceis the most relevant to surgeons. Materials and methods: it is a prospective study done over 100 casesof obstructive jaundice. Results: Highest frequencies (33%) were observed in the age group of 31-40years with male and female ratio 1: 3.7. Serum bilirubin level in calculous obstructive jaundice cases <4(mg%) was observed in 60% of the cases. USG detected stone in 90 patients out of a total of 100(90%).Cholecystectomy with Choledocholithotomy and T-tube Drainage was done in 47% cases. Conclusion: Forproper management clinical evaluation of obstructive jaundice due to biliary calculi in adults is essential.

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