
Most people have become used to spicy fast-food day by day. This has taken human beings far away from nature. Nowadays alcohol consumption is also increasing day by day. Ayurvedic texts have mentioned hepatocellular jaundice as Kamala. Due to frequent intake of Pittakara Aahara (spicy and hot food), it leads to vitiation of Pitta Dosha and Virechana1 (purgation) is the first line of treatment for Pittadushti. Ayurvedic line of management Ac- cording to lolimbraj (Vaidya jivana)2 i.e., Nasya therapy and According to Chakradatta Anjana3 therapy in addi- tion with above mentioned take 3 gm Triphala Churna with Lukewarm water at bedtime for Koshta shuddhi. Nasya and Anjana both are successful in Kamala by removing toxic waste from the body, and by correcting Agni (digestive fire). In our ancient classics, single drugs along with compound drugs have been mentioned in Kamala. These drugs have Kamalahara properties. This results in better circulation and nourishment of the organs and the diseases will subside. Kamala is a disease caused by an overabundance of Mala Ranjak Pitta. Nasya cleanses and energies the tissues and organs of the head and neck. Shodhan Nasya is a form of Nasya that promotes secretions and removes toxins from the body. Devadali Phal Nasya is a form of Shodhan, particularly Rechna Nasya, that causes accumulated Mala Ranjak Pitta to be excreted through the nose. Nasya is referred to as "Nastah Pracchar- dan" by Charaka4. It means Nasya is shodhan karma, which explains Nasya's position at the systemic level and why sr. bilirubin levels fall. Dronpushpi is Doşakarma Kaphavātaśamaka, Pittasamśodhaka Property.It is having Katu, Lavaņa, Madhura Rasa. It is laxative, angmintic, stimulant and febrifuge. The swarasa of this herb is ap- plied as a collyrium (natrănjana) in case of jaundice. Keywords: Jaundice, Kamala, Pitta Dushti, Nasya, Anjana, LFT.

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