
Menstruation is a physiological function that denotes a healthy reproductive system in a woman. A normal menstrual cycle is vital for every woman's physical and psychological well-being. Asrigdara is a condition where there is excessive or prolonged bleeding. Considering the symptoms, it can be related to Dysfunctional Uterine Bleeding, a state of abnormal bleeding without any clinically detectable organic, systemic or iatrogenic causes. It is common in multiparous women than in nulliparous women. Bala Moola mentioned in Chakradutta is undertaken for the present study to evaluate its efficacy in Asrigdara. A randomized clinical study consisting of two groups, with 20 patients in each group were selected. Group A was given trial drug Bala Moola Churna with milk and honey in the dose of 6 gms twice daily after food for three consecutive cycles. Group B was given Tranexamic acid one tablet twice after food for three-cycle. Both the drugs were given till the bleeding stopped or a maximum of 15 days. The study showed that both the drugs, Bala Moola Churna and Tranexamic acid, were equally effective in reducing the symptoms of Asrigdara at the end of treatment.

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