
Trypanosomes are widely distributed extra erythrocytic protozoan of animals. Wereported a Trypanosomes infection from the blood of a bulldog. An 18 months old male was presentedin the Pet Hospital of RCVetS, Lahore, Pakistan with a history of anorexia, emaciation, and pyrexia.Clinical examination of the dog indicated pale mucosa due and increase capillary refill time.Microscopic examination of blood films confirmed the Trypanosomes infection. Hematologicalanalysis of the blood of the dog indicated a decrease in Total erythrocyte count, hemoglobinconcentration, and Pack cell volume except for erythrocyte sedimentation rate. Differential leukocytecount revealed all parameters were unremarkable except Neutropenia, Eosinophilia, Lymphocytosis,and Thrombocytopenia. Serum analysis showed hyperproteinemia, elevated bilirubin, Blood ureanitrogen (BUN), Hypoglycaemia, and a decreased level of Gamma-glutamyl transferase (GGT). Thisdirected us to work on heamo parasites in companion animals.

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