
The purpose of this study was to establish a clinical method for diagnosing diurnal bruxism in denture wearers by recording masseter and anterior temporal electromyograph (EMG) activity. Seven suspected bruxists and five normal patients who wore complete dentures and/or distal extension base removable partial dentures were selected for participation. EMG activity in both the masseter and the anterior temporal muscles was recorded bilaterally during silent reading (10 min), maximal voluntary clenching (MVC), tapping in centric occlusion, lateral movements, chewing and swallowing. No significant differences of EMG activity were found between the groups during tapping, lateral movement, chewing and swallowing (P> 0.05). However, during 10 min of silent reading, a significant difference was found between the groups when comparing masseter muscle activity (P < 0.05). A threshold of 10% of MVC of at least 3-s duration was used to define an individual bruxism event. When the muscle activity recorded during silent reading was further analysed using these criteria, the control group displayed no bruxing activity while the suspected bruxist group displayed a mean frequency of six bruxism events (range 2-10). It was concluded that: (a) masseter muscle activity recorded during 10 min of silent reading showed significant difference between the groups; (b) the criteria selected in this study for the detection of sleep bruxism can also be used to assess diurnal bruxism; and (c) it is possible to diagnose diurnal bruxism in denture wearers by measuring the masseter EMG activity during 10 min of silent reading.

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