
Introduction: Mitral stenosis (MS) may be a variety of valvular heart disease. Mitral stenosis is characterized by a narrowing of the mitral valve's orifice. Rheumatic fever is the most common cause of mitral stenosis today, yet the stenosis may appear clinically important just once in a lifetime [1]. Intellectual disability, with a prevalence of approximately 1 chronicle, may be a lifelong neurodevelopment disorder that impacts international cognitive talents and function perform or daily living skills [2].
 Clinical Findings: Breathlessness, weakness, high blood pressure, pulmonary thrombus, anemia, disability to talk, face discoloration, not proper communication, weight loss.
 Diagnostic Evaluation: Blood investigation Hb -9.1gm,mch-82.3fl,mch-29.6piegon,mchc-36%, Total RBC count-5.31million/cu.mm RDW- 12.7% ,hct 35%, Total WBC count- 13,300cu.mm ,monocytes -4%, Granulocytes- 85%, Lymphocytes -10%, Esonophils-1%,Basophilis -0% , Total platelets conut-11.3, cu. mm. Urea 32mg/dl, creatinine-0.9mg/dl,sodium-131mmol/dl , potassium 5.1 mmol/L. Despite the fact that the patient was not diabetic, the random blood sugar test revealed a level of 160 mg/dL. RBC increase, 2D echo impression thrombus present in heart, Intellectual disabilities present, high blood pressure, urine albumin present,
 Therapeutic Intervention: Blood transfusion, and medical treatment.
 Conclusion: 48 years old female was admitted to medicine ICU diagnosed with the case of mitral stenosis with mental retardation with anemia with sepsis and she had complained of Breathlessness, weakness, high blood pressure, pulmonary embolism, anemia, disability to talk, face discoloration, not proper communication, weight loss. patient show great improvement after getting the treatment and the treatment was still going on still my last date of care. The patient and her family underwent psychological stress, which was resolved to an extent by being an active listener and providing proper counseling.

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