
We report a quantitative analysis of a simple dichotomous branching tree model for blood flow in vascular networks. Using the method of moment-generating function and geometric Brownian motion from stochastic mathematics, our analysis shows that a vascular network with asymmetric branching and random variation at each bifurcating point gives rise to an asymptotic lognormal flow distribution with a positive skewness. The model exhibits a fractal scaling in the dispersion of the regional flow in the branches. Experimentally measurable fractal dimension of the relative dispersion in regional flow is analytically calculated in terms of the asymmetry and the variance at local bifurcation; hence the model suggests a powerful method to obtain the physiological information on local flow bifurcation in terms of flow dispersion analysis. Both the fractal behavior and the lognormal distribution are intimately related to the fact that it is the logarithm of flow, rather than flow itself, which is the natural variable in the tree models. The kinetics of tracer washout is also discussed in terms of the lognormal distribution.

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