
To formulate a proposition for local development processes to be institutionalized by both governmental and non-governmental organizations in the communities, through actions bound to stimulate the connection between regional and world economies is the aim of this work. This concern derives from the fact that the economic models based on localities, conceived and structured through the perception of individuals, while intellectual beings and capable of contributing with their culture and creativity to the local economic growth, need a collective process for generating and conducting endogenous development actions. It was perceived that a radical change in the collective mind urged, as the one which determined the importance of technology in the Industrial Revolution in the process of transforming a rural society into an industrial one. Now, with the metamorphosis of this digital society, the relevance is cognition. The goal is the understanding of the locality micro cosmos interwoven with the world dimension, so as to establish a model for economic development through society's ability to plan and conduct its own local experience. This thesis proposition is that this capacitating, usually a function of institutional development deriving from a historical process, is unleashed in the regions from a collective cognitive process. Knowledge, where elements are found that allow understanding complex and abstract relations, such as the economic ones, thus managed, will establish forms for organizing and assessing the ideas and concepts necessary to set an original model that can be a result of the cultural characteristics of the population, which may contribute for global sustainable development with creativity and innovation. Key-words: urbanism – urban development – local development – economic development – industrial development – globalization.

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