
In translocation T (IL leads to VL) OY321 of Neurospora crassa a distal portion of the nucleolus organizer chromosome, including ribosomal DNA sequences and the nucleolus satellite, is interchanged with a long terminal segment of IL. When OY321 is crossed by Normal sequence, one-fourth of the meiotic products are segmental aneuploids that contain two copies of the long IL segment and that are deficient for the distal portion of the organizer. Each such product forms a nucleolus and is viable. The complementary aneuploid products are deficient for the IL segment and are therefore inviable. - In crosses of OY321 X OY321, each product is capable of making two nucleoli; nucleoli formed by the separated nucleolus organizer parts usually fuse, but most 8-spored asci contain some nuclei in which two separate nucleoli can be seen. One nucleolus is then terminal on its chromosome while the second is interstitial and somewhat smaller. - In crosses of OY321 X Normal, half of the meiotic products are capable of making two nucleoli. However, only about 15% of 8-spored asci have one or more nuclei containing separate nucleoli. At pachytene and later in prophase I, the single fusion nucleolus is associated with three bivalent chromosome segments. Each nucleus of every ascus contains at least one nucleolus, even in asci where some nuclei display two nucleoli. - Crosses of Aneuploid X Normal are usually semibarren, producing a reduced number of ascospores, some of which are inviable. Some aneuploid cultures become fully fertile by reverting to a quasinormal sequence lacking a satellite. In some crosses of Aneuploid X Normal, individual asci may show at prophase I either complete loss, partial loss, or pycnosis of the translocated IL segment. This observation of pycnosis suggests chromosome inactivation. - Growth from aneuploid ascospores is initially slow, but can accelerate to the wild-type rate.

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