
RFLPs of cpDNA of five species and one variety ofKalimeris, and elght species ofAster from Japan were investigated. Approximately 290 restriction sites were surveyed using 16 restriction enzymes. A total of 52 restriction site mutations was detected, and 21 of them were phylogenetically informative. Wagner parsimony analysis resulted in only one most parsimonious tree. In the tree obtained,Kalimeris sensu Kitamura is a colyphyletic group;K. miqueliana belongs to a different clade than the remaining species ofKalimeris. This result suggests that the shortening of the pappus has occurred in parallel in different evolutionary line. Thus, it is not appropriate to extend the generic circumscription ofKalimeris to includeK. miqueliana, based on pappus length. The sister group ofKalimeris, exceptK. miqueliana, is theAster ageratoides group.Aster ovatus is included in theKalimeris clade and it is suggested that it represents an amphidiploid with someKalimeris species as its maternal parent.

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