
The checklist includes a listing of the species and varieties of Sphagnum in North America, north of Mexico. In all, 72 species and six varieties are recognized. A list of synonyms and excluded taxa is included. By mutual consent, the checklist for Sphagnum is listed separately. Crum has recently (1984) pub- lished a revision of this genus for North America. The list published here, therefore, offers an alter- native to those who might prefer a somewhat dif- ferent taxonomy from that presented by Crum. The list of synonyms provides a cross-index so that users can select the names and authorities as they choose. The present list comprises 78 taxa for North America, including 72 species and six varieties. In contrast, Crum's revision contains 50 species and 16 varieties, or a total of 66 taxa, for the same area. I acknowledge with grateful thanks the help of

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