
Dibrugarh district of Assam is situated to proximity to the junction of Eastern Himalayas and Indo-Burma Biodiversity Hotspots. Climatic conditions of the district support a very rich biodiversity, where Odonatdes (Dragonflies and Damselflies) are an important component. The present study was carried out in Dibrugarh district to document the status and distribution of odonates from April, 2019 to May, 2022. A total number of 81 species of odonates representing 54 genera and 11 families have been recorded in this study. Conservation status of the recorded species indicates that 69 species were under the category of Least Concern (LC), 7 species were Data Deficient (DD) and 1 species was Not Evaluated (NE). However, habitat destruction due to lack of awareness among the local people is the potential threat to the conservation of odonates in the district.

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