
A compilation of deep-sea halacarid mite species found from more than 1000 m depth has been carried out based on published records. Altogether 57 species belong to genera Agaue (6 species), Agauides (1 species), Atelopsalis (1 species), Bathyhalacarus (11 species), Bradyagaue (3 species), Colobocerasides (1 species), Copidognathus (16 species), Halacarellus (2 species), Halacarus (3 species), Lohmannella (5 species), Pelacarus (1 species), Thalassarachna (2 species), Werthella (4 species) and Werthelloides (1 species) are enlisted from deep-sea more than 1000 m depth. Forty-eight species are determined up to species level while 9 species determined up to generic level only. The richness of halacarid mites from more than 1000 m depth in different marine provinces is most likely related to the intensity of faunistic surveys.

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