
We characterize proximity operators, that is to say functions that map a vector to a solution of a penalized least-squares optimization problem. Proximity operators of convex penalties have been widely studied and fully characterized by Moreau. They are also widely used in practice with nonconvex penalties such as the $$\ell ^0$$ pseudo-norm, yet the extension of Moreau’s characterization to this setting seemed to be a missing element of the literature. We characterize proximity operators of (convex or nonconvex) penalties as functions that are the subdifferential of some convex potential. This is proved as a consequence of a more general characterization of the so-called Bregman proximity operators of possibly nonconvex penalties in terms of certain convex potentials. As a side effect of our analysis, we obtain a test to verify whether a given function is the proximity operator of some penalty, or not. Many well-known shrinkage operators are indeed confirmed to be proximity operators. However, we prove that windowed Group-LASSO and persistent empirical Wiener shrinkage—two forms of a so-called social sparsity shrinkage—are generally not the proximity operator of any penalty; the exception is when they are simply weighted versions of group-sparse shrinkage with non-overlapping groups.

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