
espanolCon el objetivo de viabilizar la produccion de petroleo pesado, los metodos de recuperacion termica son los mas utilizados y dentro de esta categoria la inyeccion de vapor es una de las tecnicas mas difundidas. El calor es transportado desde la superficie hasta el subsuelo donde se encuentra el yacimiento que contiene el petroleo. Esta operacion es realizada por el vapor generado en superficie utilizando el tubo de inyeccion como eslabon de conexion superficie-fondo. Se analiza la transferencia de calor entre el vapor y el entorno del pozo de inyeccion a lo largo del tubo, el desafio en este proceso es minimizarlo. Se presenta la simulacion tridimensional del flujo liquido-vapor, turbulento y multifasico a lo largo de un dominio de pozo de 100 m compuesto por tubos de inyeccion, espacio anular, revestimiento y formacion rocosa. Con el software ANSYS CFX® 15.0 se evalua el desempeno de tuberias de baja y alta conductividad termica, con vapor al 80% de calidad, inyectada a dos flujos diferentes. El tubo con aislamiento (IMT) claramente tiene el mejor rendimiento en comparacion con la configuracion convencional, para ambos flujos de 1,2 kg/s y 3,3 kg/s. Ademas, la mayor velocidad de inyeccion muestra mejores resultados, en terminos de la calidad del vapor, cuando se usa una tuberia convencional, la calidad en la salida de la tuberia es 0,13% superior. EnglishTo increase heavy oil production, the petroleum industry uses thermal recovery methods, and the steam injection is one of the most common techniques. Steam generated at the surface reaches the oil reservoir through the injection tubing. Heat transfer between the steam and the injection well surroundings the tubing is analyzed in this work, the challenge in this process to minimize it. It is presented the three-dimensional simulation of the multiphase turbulent liquid-vapor flow along with a 100 m wellbore domain composed by injection tubing, annular space, casing, and rock formation. With the software ANSYS CFX® 15.0, the response of a low thermal conductivity tubing and formation temperature to steam injection at 80% of quality, injected at two different flow rates, is evaluated. The insulated material tubing (IMT) has the best performance compared to the conventional configuration, for both 1.2 kg/s and 3.3 kg/s flow rates. Additionally, the higher flow rate shows higher steam quality results when using a conventional tubing while maintaining 0.13% more quality at the tubing output.


  • It is presented the three-dimensional simulation of the multiphase turbulent liquid-vapor flow along with a 100 m wellbore domain composed by injection tubing, annular space, casing, and rock formation

  • This study proposes to estimate the pressure, temperature, and steam quality along the length of the injection tubing for different steam injection flow conditions and formation temperature

  • The results presented in the following are in the steam domain where n = 48, and the variables of interest are pressure p, temperature T and steam quality φ

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Oil companies have increased the search for new technologies in order to raise the recovery factor of the oil contained in the reservoirs and reduce the costs of production projects [1, 2, 3, 4]. For the heavy oils production, i.e., extremely viscous oils at the reservoir environment temperature, the main technological approach is to reduce its viscosity through the use of thermal methods [5, 6, 7, 8]. Heavy oil recovery is traditionally thought of as thermal stimulation of low API gravity oil, which may range from 4 to 20 oAPI (1,040 to 930 kg/m3) [9]. The thermal methods enable production in fields considered non-commercial by conventional recovery methods. Since the heavy oils viscosity is highly temperature-dependent, the heating increases their mobility [10]. Economic considerations often limit these projects since they require a big capital for their development

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