
Polarized light sensitivity was examined in single units of the rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) torus semicircularis, a sub-tectal visual area with a high degree of ultraviolet sensitivity. First, chromatically isolated torus units with inputs from each of the four cone mechanisms found in the trout visual system were separately examined for e-vector sensitivity. UV ON-response units showed polarization sensitivity for vertical ly (0° and 180°) polarized stimuli, while ON-response units of the short, middle and long cone mechanisms were not polarization sensitive. No OFF-response units of the UV or short cone mechanism were observed, but OFF-response units of the middle and long cone mechanisms show polarization sensitivity for horizontally (90°) polarized stimuli. Second, e-vector sensitivity was observed in color-coded units which received inputs from more than one cone mechanism and showed different sign responses (ON or OFF) at different points of the spectral sensitivity curve. Biphasic units which had ON input from the UV cone mechanism and OFF inputs from the middle and long cone mechanisms showed polarization opponency. This opponency was observed with a 380 nm stimulus when the threshold sensitivities of the alpha-band absorption peak of the UV mechanism and the beta-band absorption peak of the middle and long cone mechanisms were equal. We believe that biphasic torus units provide a possible cellular basis for polarized light vision in rainbow trout.

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