
When red blood cells (RBCs) experience non-physiologically high stresses, e.g., in medical devices, they can rupture in a process called hemolysis. Directly simulating this process is computationally unaffordable given that the length scales of a medical device are several orders of magnitude larger than that of a RBC. To overcome this separation of scales, the present work introduces an affordable computational framework that accurately resolves the stress and deformation of a RBC in a spatially and temporally varying macroscale flow field such as those found in a typical medical device. The underlying idea of the present framework is to treat RBCs as one-way coupled tracers in the macroscale flow by capturing the effect of the flow on their dynamics but neglecting their effect on the flow at the macroscale. As a result, the RBC dynamics are simulated after those of the flow in a postprocessing step by receiving the fluid velocity gradient tensor measured along the RBC trajectory as the input. To resolve the fluid velocity in the immediate vicinity of the RBC as well as the motion of the membrane, we employ the boundary integral method coupled to a structural solver. The governing equations are discretized in space using spherical harmonics, yielding spectral integration accuracy. The predictions produced by this formulation are in good agreement with those obtained from simulations of spherical capsules in shear flows and optical tweezers experiments. The accuracy of the present method is evaluated using unbounded shear flow as a benchmark. Its computational cost grows proportional to p5, where p is the degree of the spherical harmonic. It also exhibits a fast convergence rate that is approximately O(p6) for p⪅20.

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