
The book on screen is the result of a postdoctoral internship carried out by Elza Margarida de Mendonca Peixoto at the School of Physical Education, Physiotherapy and Dance at UFRGS (2019-2020), under the supervision of professor Alberto Reinaldo Reppold Filho. This internship allowed the systematization of research that had been developed for some years, in particular that of his first post-doctorate in Philosophy of Education, held at the University of Lisbon (2014-2015), under the mentorship of the renowned Portuguese Marxist Jose Barata- Moura, and dedicated to the category of practice and criticism of the different idealistic conceptions of this category – the “idealisms of practice”. The continuity of her investigation allowed her to extend and deepen it, now focused on a problematization of the category of practice in Brazilian critical educational thinking, in general, and in teacher education, in particu

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