
The 101 residue protein "early pregnancy factor" (EPF), also known as human chaperonin 10, was synthesized from four functionalized, but unprotected, peptide segments by a sequential thioether ligation strategy. The approach exploits the differential reactivity of a peptide-NHCH(2)CH(2)SH thiolate with XCH(2)CO-peptides, where X = Cl or I/Br. Initial model studies with short functionalized (but unprotected) peptides showed a significantly faster reaction of a peptide-NHCH(2)CH(2)SH thiolate with a BrCH(2)CO-peptide than with a ClCH(2)CO-peptide, where thiolate displacement of the halide leads to chemoselective formation of a thioether surrogate for the Gly-Gly peptide bond. This rate difference was used as the basis of a novel sequential ligation approach to the synthesis of large polypeptide chains. Thus, ligation of a model bifunctional N(alpha)-chloroacetyl, C-terminal thiolated peptide with a second N(alpha)-bromoacetyl peptide demonstrated chemoselective bromide displacement by the thiol group. Further investigations showed that the relatively unreactive N(alpha)-chloroacetyl peptides could be "activated" by halide exchange using saturated KI solutions to yield the highly reactive N(alpha)-iodoacetyl peptides. These findings were used to formulate a sequential thioether ligation strategy for the synthesis of EPF, a 101 amino acid protein containing three Gly-Gly sites approximately equidistantly spaced within the peptide chain. Four peptide segments or "cassettes" comprising the EPF protein sequence (BrAc-[EPF 78-101] 12, ClAc-[EPF 58-75]-[NHCH(2)CH(2)SH] 13, ClAc-[EPF 30-55]-[NHCH(2)CH(2)SH] 14, and Ac-[EPF 1-27]-[NHCH(2)CH(2)SH] 15) of EPF were synthesized in high yield and purity using Boc SPPS chemistry. In the stepwise sequential ligation strategy, reaction of peptides 12 and 13 was followed by conversion of the N-terminal chloroacetyl functional group to an iodoacetyl, thus activating the product peptide for further ligation with peptide 14. The process of ligation followed by iodoacetyl activation was repeated to yield an analogue of EPF (EPF psi(CH(2)S)(28)(-)(29,56)(-)(57,76)(-)(77)) 19 in 19% overall yield.

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