
Ventrikuloperitoneal (VP) sant hidrosefali tedavisinde basvurulan bir yontemdir. Bu yazida, daha once hidrosefali nedeniyle VP sant takilan ve klinigimize dispne ve kardiyomegali nedeniyle sevk edilen dort yasinda bir kiz hasta sunuldu. Ekokardiyografi incelemesinde kardiyak tamponad ve perikardiyal efuzyon saptandi. Ventrikuloperitoneal kateterin perikard icerisine goc ettiginden suphelenildigi icin cekilen toraks bilgisayarli tomografide, VP kateter ucunun perikard icerisinde oldugu goruldu. Tup drenaj sonrasi perikardiyal konstriksiyon gelismesi nedeniyle perikardiyektomi yapildi ve VP sant kateteri kisaltilarak batin icerisine alindi. Anah tar soz cuk ler: Komplikasyon; perikardiyal efuzyon; ventrikuloperitoneal sant. Ventriculoperitoneal (VP) shunt is a method used in the treatment of hydrocephalus. In this article, we report a four-year-old girl who was implanted a VP shunt due to hydrocephalus, and referred to our clinic due to dyspnea and cardiomegalia. Echocardiographic examination revealed cardiac tamponade and pericardial effusion. Thorax computed tomography, which was performed due to suspicion of migration of the VP catheter to the pericardium, showed that the VP catheter tip was inside the pericardium. Pericardiectomy was performed due to pericardial constriction was developed after tube drainage, and the VP shunt catheter was shortened and replaced into the abdominal cavity.

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