
Abstract: Parikartika is one of the well-known ano-rectal diseases. Reference to this can be found in the Bruhatrayees. Around the Rajasthan Pradesh, the term "Parikartika" refers to Parikartanavatvedana. Additionally, it exhibits symptoms like anus bleeding, burning sensation and sometimes swelling. Parikarthika (Fissure in Ano) is regarded one of the most painful anorectal diseases. As a result of improper changes in modern lifestyle and irregular eating patterns, this disease is become more common now. Due to this, it has recently occurred in all age groups and regardless of gender. This case study describes how an acute fissure in ano was effectively treated using Ayurvedic treatment modalities. A 35year-old male patient arrived with symptoms of pain and burning both during and after defecation, as well as having blood streaks appear in his stool. The patient was diagnosed with acute fissure, due to the presence of a longitudinal ulcer in the lower part of the anal canal. Both internal and external Ayurvedic treatment plan was used. He was treated with Ayurvedic medicines, which gives effective results within 3 days of Ayurvedic treatment.

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