
Current products in the market are customer oriented. Customers demand for low priced products in minimum possible time of production. To achieve competitiveness and to stay ahead in the business, manufacturers adopt lean manufacturing strategies. Lean principles are focused on elimination of wastes, streamlining the processes there by reducing cost and product delivery time. Lean concepts are widely used in process perspective; there exists scope for applying lean principles for product development. Product development involves various stages associated from collection of customer requirement till the realization of products. In this context, this chapter presents a framework for Lean Product Development using a primary lean tool Value Stream Mapping. The chapter is exemplified with a case study conducted in an Indian automobile component manufacturing organization. The approach starts with the preparation of current state map indicating the details associated with each and every stage of Value Stream Map (VSM ). This is followed by detailed analysis of VSM, followed by the identification of areas where improvements can be brought about. Then Quality Function Deployment (QFD) is integrated into VSM to facilitate design improvements and to achieve customer oriented products; also, elimination and integration of certain processes in process map is done to achieve stream lined process. Finally, Future state Product Development map is developed indicating the improvement proposals and possible time reduction as a result of modifications in the design process. This methodology would facilitate a framework for product development process with the incorporation of lean methodologies.

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