
Seborrheic keratosis is a typical, benign disorder that affects the ageing population. In Ayurveda it can be compared with Charmakeel which is one of the types of Kshudraroga. Acharya Sushruta described several therapy methods such as the internal administration of medication, external application, and para-surgical techniques in the treatment of Charmakeel. In present case report 26 years old female patient visited in OPD complaining of two thick, black patches on right ankle joint with mild itching since 6 months. The case was diagnosed as Charmakeel. Patient was treated with Shamana Chikitsa Mahamanjishthadi kashay, Aarogyavardhini Vati, Punarnavadi mandur, PanchtiktaGhrut guggul as internal medication and Panchvalkaladi taila for local application. Treatment was given for two months and Shodhana Chikitsa (Raktamokshana by Jalauka) was carried out at every 15 days interval during treatment. Patient reported with significant results. Follow-up was taken upto 6 months and patient had no any complaints or recurrence. This case shows that Ayurveda can treat keratosis effectively and without any side effect.

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