
Warts are common viral infectious conditions having symptoms like small fleshy grainy bumps, white, pink or tan coloured, sprinkled with tiny black pinpoints, measuring about 1-10 mm and having clotted blood vessels seen in primary care and affected approximately 7% to 10% of the population. In day-to-day life, Charmakeela is a nonhazardous condition, but it causes pain, and cosmetically, it causes inconvenience and a lack of concentration in their work. In Ayurveda, warts are co-related with Charmakeela, mainly due to the vitiation of Vyana Vata & Kapha Dosha, which presents with pain, itching, swelling and roughness symptoms. Acharyas explained the different treatment principles for Charmakeela, such as Bheshaja, Shashtra, Kshara, and Agnikarma. As such, Bheshaja, Kshara and Shashtra Karma are done; there will be recurrence, but when treated with Agnikarma, there is no recurrence. So, Agnikarma is the choice of treatment in Charmakeela. It’s a simple procedure which can be carried out at the OPD level & complications are also less & it’s affordable. Dahanopakarana told in the classics are Pippali, Ajashakrit, Godanta, Shara, and Shalaka for Tvakagata yoga; this article highlights the case study for the management of Charmakeela with Pippali for Agnikarma, which showed good results and followed by Kumari Pulp local application.

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