
A 34-year old woman, presented with high grade fever and productive cough for 10 days. She had history of recurrent lower respiratory tract infections for past four years. Her serial chest X-ray showed evidence of fleeting pneumonitis. She was tachypnoeic at rest but general examination was otherwise normal. Chest X-ray showed homogenous opacity in right lower zone. She was treated with piperacillin-tazobactam, clindamycin, azithromycin, bronchodilators and other supportive measures. Computerised tomography scan of the thorax showed multifocal areas of ground glass attenuation with inter lobular septal thickening in both lungs. Bronchial wash specimen for PCR analysis was positive for Staphylococcus aureus, Enterococcus species, Herpes simplex nuis, Cardida species, E coli and Pseudomonas arrogia. She was then started on acyclovir and voriconazole for one week. Repeat chest X-ray after one week showed radiological clearance. Patient became afebrile and improved symptomatically.

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