
This ethnographic case study follows the trajectory of one child’s learning disposition, reciprocity, and its relationship to the ‘learning architecture’ of her early childhood and primary school learning environments, over eighteen months. Learning dispositions are coping strategies or habits of mind, and tendencies to respond to and select from situations in specific ways. Learning architecture encompasses opportunities for mutual engagement, power-sharing, positioning and making connections. I followed Lisa, as she simultaneously attended two early childhood centres during Phase one of the study (at four years); in an early childhood centre which she attended at Phase two (at nearly five years); and after she had started school at Phase three (at five years and four months). The paper examines the kind of self, which was being created for Lisa, within the discourses and practices of the different settings. Her learning disposition towards reciprocity was both supported and constrained within these settings. Lisa moved from being a ‘shy’ child and a peripheral participant at four, towards engaging with people, places and things confidently and powerfully at five. The case study shows the potentiality of early childhood settings to transform children’s ongoing engagement in learning.

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