
Sickle cell anaemia is a haemoglobin condition for which the Indian government has set up particular support provisions within the ministry of tribal affairs. Despite epidemiological and recent advances in the treatment of sickle cell anaemia over the past few years, it remains a global concern for everyone. To demonstrate the impact of T-AYU-HM Premium, the long-term treatment outcomes of a patient with sickle cell trait are detailed in this case study. A 35-year-old female patient with a family history of sickle cell anaemia was unable to finish her studies because she had blood transfusions every other month and experienced excruciating pain. Her reported painful crises, treatment compliance, the number of blood transfusions she received, and the number of hospitalizations she needed were all reviewed in this case study. Her past medication and medical history were assessed in 2008 following which the T-AYU-HM Premium treatment was started once she approached the clinic with these complaints. It was noted that the patient followed the prescribed line of treatment, had symptomatic relief from episodic pain, and was able to perform day-to-day tasks. It was noted that the patient only required one blood transfusion and one hospital stay throughout the course of the 15 years of follow-up. This case study would further the understanding and practical application of complementary medicine in the treatment of sickle cell anaemia. The potential for long-term treatment using alternative medical systems may well be established.

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