
 Kimura disease is a rare chronic inflammatory disease that, if occurs in the head and neck region, presents with a swelling. 
 Case Report 
 A 14-year-old male presented to our ENT OPD with a painless left cheek swelling. The swelling was first noticed by the patient about 3.5 years back. The swelling was gradually progressive in size. It was mobile in all directions, cystic in consistency and non-tender. 
 Kimura Disease is a rare chronic inflammatory disorder described as a”eosinophilic hyperplastic lymphogranuloma” in Chinese literature. This disease is endemic in middle-aged Asian males and is seen sporadically in the non-Asian population.There is no standardized treatment protocol present for Kimura Disease. Treatment modalities include surgical resection, cytotoxic and radiation therapy, as well as regional or systemic steroid therapy. The role of surgery is primarily for diagnostic and cosmetic purposes. Relapses are common and recurrence rate is high. The overall outcome is good as there is no association with malignancy.

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