
Introduction: Guillain berry syndrome is also called as landry’s paralysis. It is the disorder included in the peripheral neuropathy. In guillian berre syndrome, the patient’s body’s immune system attacks on the nerves. This condition may also triggered by the bacterial infections as well as some of the viral infections. GBS is a rare syndrome approximately there were only 1-2 cases per 1,00000 people annually. Men are more likely affected than that of womens. This syndrome is names after a French physicion Gorgous Guillian and Jean Alxzandre Barre and strohl who described it in 1916.
 Clinical Findings: weakness, difficulty in breathing, difficult to hold the breath till 5 second, fatigue, elevated blood pressure, difficulty in speaking.
 Pheripheral Smear: RBCS _ normal range, atrophy is seen.
 Ultrasonography: Enlargement of vagus nerve.
 Therapeutic Interventions: DNS 380 ml intravenous, plasma exchange theraphy, inj. Ceftriaxone, syrup Phenytoyin 9.5 ml. syrup rdpen 10 ml. syp calcimax 10 ml, tab folic acid 5 mg, tab limcee 500 mg, tab baclofenac 10 mg, NEB 3% NACL, inj pantop 15 mg.
 Outcomes: After the treatment, the child shows improvement. His weakness and fatigue ger relieved and pain in muscle had relieved.
 Conclusion: A 5 years old male child was admitted in the prdiatric ward no. 18 , Acharya Vinoba Bhave Rural Hospital on date 31 july 2021 with a case of Guillian Barre Syndrome (GBS). He had the complaint of weakness, fatigue, lack of co-ordination, difficulty in swallowing .After getting an appropriate treatment, the patient’s condition has improved than that of previous.

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