
A breast abscess is a localized collection of purulent material within the breast parenchyma that usually occurs as a complication of mastitis. Mastitis is a relatively common breast condition which means inflammation of breast tissue which may or may not result from infection. It mostly affects the reproductive aged women. Breast abscesses as a complication; develop in 3-11% of women with mastitis, with a reported incidence of 0.1-3 % in breastfeeding women. In Ayurveda, breast abscess may be correlated with Stana Vidradhi, Stana Shopha Avastha (Aama, Pachyamaana, Pakwa). When the breast abscess ruptures, then it may be correlated with Stana Vrana that can be Nija and Aagantuja or Shuddha and Dushta Vrana according to Dosha involvement. In the present case report, a 28 years aged postnatal woman came to NIA, Prasuti Tantra and Stri Roga OPD with complaints of intermittent pain and pus discharge from right breast. On breast examination, the Stana Vrana was found to be located in the inner lower quadrant of the right breast (not including areolar region). The management was carried out with Triphala Guggulu, Kaishore Guggulu 2 tab thrice a day orally and local application with Dashanga Lepa once a day, Jatyadi Taila 2-3 times a day. The abscess was healed completely within a week without giving any systemic antibiotics. Hence, we can say th at Ayurveda can play a major role in the management of breast abscess.

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