
Background: The genus Demodex belongs to the order Prostigmata and the family Demodecidae that has several species of uncommon mites, some of which cause severe scabies in animals. There are two species of this mite that cause disease in humans, including Demodex folliculorum, which is known as hair follicle mite, and Demodex brevis. This disease is more common in women than in men. Case Presentation: The patient is a 36-year-old woman living in one of the villages of Tabriz city who referred to a dermatologist following severe itching and hyperkeratosis (abundant dandruff) of the cheeks. Then, she was introduced to the laboratory for preparing a slide from a sample taken from the patient’s cheeks. A large number of Demodex mites were observed in the microscopic test of the sample. Conclusion: In patients referred to skin clinics with scaling and itching, especially in the head and face, the complication may be due to Demodex infection. Therefore, it is suggested that demodicosis be considered in differential diagnosis in such patients.

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