
During the course of a study of social relationships in wild, white-faced capuchins at Lomas Barbudal, Costa Rice (May 1990–May 1993), the alpha male was deposed by a subordinate male. The rank reversal was preceded by a decline in proximity maintenance by females to the alpha male, and an increase, in the amount of aggression directed toward the alpha male by the beta female and her female coalition partners. At the time of the rank reversal, females switched from giving thegargle vocalization exclusively to the old alpha male to gargling to the new alpha male; however, juveniles were less consistent with regard to which male they gargled to. At the time of the rank reversal, most adult females reduced the time spent in proximity and grooming with the old alpha male, and increased the time spent in proximity and grooming with the new alpha male. In contrast, juveniles' patterns of affiliation with males did not change in a predictable way following the reversal. The social strategies employed by capuchin monkeys during this rank reversal are compared with those of chimpanzees.

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