
Study Design Case report. Objective The objective of this study is to report the occurrence of tophaceous gout in the lumbar spine. Methods Using a case report to illustrate the key points of gout in the spine, we provide a brief review of gout in the literature as it relates to its orthopedic and spinal manifestations as well as guidelines for management. Results This case report details the occurrence of a large and clinically significant finding of tophaceous gout in the lumbar spine in a 24-year-old man with a known history of gout and a 3-year history of progressive back pain. Conclusion A high index of suspicion can assist in diagnosis of patients presenting with back pain or neurologic findings with a history of gout. A previous history of gout (especially the presence of tophi), hyperuricemia, and the radiological characteristics presented here should aid the clinician in making the diagnosis of spinal gout. Early diagnosis has the potential to prevent the need for surgical intervention.

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