
Municipal solid waste (MSW) settlement can be understood as volume reduction of the waste mass disposed in a landfill. Such phenomenon is mainly the result of organic matter degradation. Settlement can also be generated by MSW distortions, particle rearrengements, and other factors. These factors can be accurately analyzed if studied in an MSW experimental cell once it simulates the landfill behavior in a known and controlled way. This study aims to analyze the behavior of an experimental cell filled with MSW and how the biodegradation can influence the settlement over time and depth. The methodology was composed of waste sampling, experimental cell construction and filling, volatile solids analysis, and settlement measurements. The MSW gravimetric and volumetric analyses were performed in order to quantify the amount of organic matter contained inside the experimental cell. The tests indicated that the amount of organic matter drastically decreased in all MSW layers, and settlement varied according to the depth of the experimental cell due to mechanical factors and organic matter consumption.

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